Adult Dating Excuses Men Make to Explain Their Behavior

1:24 AM / Posted by datesforsex11 /

Just like any normal guy, we tend to exhibit insane behavior, especially in our adult dating lives. We sometimes do stupid things, like making the mistake of generalizing women based on just a few experiences. But then I ask myself, when do us guys exhibit this kind of crazy behavior? Aren’t we experts in practicality? I pondered on this for a moment and then realized that I do have my ill-tempered days and random choleric outbursts although they rarely happen, I must say.

When I thought about the causes of all the stress and anger, I was quite surprised that even I also have my own insane reasons for explaining my cranky behavior when adult dating. So to even up the score, here are a few of my crazy reasons for male PMS:

My Sports Team Lost

Football is a brutal sport. First of all, games are on a Sunday, so when my team loses, I’m left with a baneful feeling of dreading work the next day and lamenting why my team didn’t just run on the crucial 4th and 1 instead of throwing an intercepted pass. I hit the sack thinking about the game, and I wake up still thinking about it. And just like a physical injury, it hurts more the next day. And just like any Baltimore sports fan, it makes me as miserable when the Orioles and the Maryland Terps lose games. I am incapable of doing anything even crack a smile. I do my very best not to take it out on the girl I’m out adult dating with, but there are times when it happens.

I Haven’t Masturbated for a Full Ten Minutes

Yes, this is an exaggeration, but guys do go mad when we aren’t able to satisfy ourselves at an acceptable rate. This reminds me of that old “Seinfeld” episode where the characters try to see how long they could go without pleasuring themselves. They all eventually became cranky by the end of the show.

Work Has Got Me Down

Work always will be universally annoying and frustrating. But why can’t we just leave our anger and frustration in the workplace? I know it’s irrational to be cranky towards somebody who has absolutely nothing to do with work, but unfortunately it happens.

Not Enough Time for Myself

It seems that it’s logical to get annoyed if you haven’t done something fun for a while, so there are times that I really need to decompress. For me, this means Baltimore sports, reading nonsensical stuff on Wikipedia, watching dumb shows on TV, coffee, lounging on the couch, coffee, cooking, and more coffee.

Obviously, I like it when a girl wants to see me, but I can get cranky if I don’t get time to do nothing on my own.

I Am Lost

I frequently get lost, but because I always think I’ll find a way out, I get annoyed when a girl recommends that I ask someone or consult a map.

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