Dating Tips Online: Divorce Blunders That Can Ruin Your Life

12:37 AM / Posted by datesforsex11 /

First you fall in love, you get married, and then unfortunately, now you’re getting divorced. Yes, this really sucks, but the good news is you are not alone. According to statistics, for every 1000 people, 6.8 get married and 3.4 end in divorce.

However, there are more important things to be concerned of than worry about the stigma attached to being a divorced guy they have to deal with court battles, and it can get ugly. If you are headed to Splitsville, here are a few dating tips online that you have to always keep in mind.

To begin with, never fear to initiate the divorce, because it simply doesn’t matter who files first. Next, keep in mind that your objective is to get out of court sooner than later. If your soon-to-be ex is taking you to court, it’s likely you’ll be tempted to act out of emotion and drag the process out as long as possible. What you need to do is focus more on the business side of the situation. With these basics in mind, here are a few seemingly harmless blunders guys make and dating tips online to guide them through the process.

Lose It

The words thrown at each other when married can be totally different when going through a divorce. They can be considered as threats, which can be used against you in court. So unless you want to have a restraining order against you, always keep your cool.

Abuse Social Media

Posting pictures of the latest girl you hooked up with or tweeting about your latest clubbing adventures are alright, unless you’re going through a divorce. What you put out on the Internet can be used against you in court. You don’t have to deactivate your account; just play it smart. And when in doubt, avoid updating your status.

Flaunt the New Girl

It’s alright to have a girlfriend after you’ve decided to get a divorce, but it wouldn’t be prudent to parade her around. Showing off your new arm candy will likely upset your ex and may lead her to give you the ultimate payback. The smart thing to do is hold off the parade until the whole process is over.

Volunteer to Move Out

The moment people decide to go their separate ways, it’s often the guy who volunteers to move out. This is not necessary. Do not do this if you’re both living there because it’s going to cost you more money. You will have to pay rent, and at the same time support that other household. It may be hard to still live with the woman you’re divorcing during the proceedings, but it’s best to hold your ground, and cost-effective too.

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