Hookup Rules

5:54 PM / Posted by datesforsex11 /

So, you are at a party, or on a beach or somewhere that you are having fun. You’re drinking cocktails, dancing and before you know it, you are talking and flirting with a hottie and your temperature rises and you want to hookup with him/her. Well, while your temperature is rising and you are trying to find a way to be alone with them. Still, there are some things to consider before the  hookup occurs. You can decide to hookup, hang out or hang up at any moment you choose!

Here are seven factors that can you can keep in mind while you hookup

The beer factor: The beer can cloud your judgment if you have too much of it. Sometimes drunk people see everyone as hot because they are already drunk. So if you stay within your limits you can make a better choice. If you’ve had a few too many, you may want to ask your friend, if what you see is really what you get.

The health factor: Think about staying young and healthy! You can more easily prevent than treat sexually transmitted diseases by using safer sex practices such as condoms and other safer sex apparel such as dental dams or gloves as part of all sex play. You also have a right to ask someone’s health status. You can go to the nearest pharmacy or convenience store to get supplies.

The relationship factor: Are you in a relationship? (not with this hottie). If you are, do you care about this person, and what is your agreement about being exclusive? “She’ll never find out” or “he’ll never know the difference” is a lie that you can tell yourself at the time, but can you live with that? How will you feel about cheating on your partner?

The morning after factor: How will you feel about this decision in the morning? If you are great with that, then go ahead and have fun. If you decide just to hook up for sex sake, then have at it, as long as the decision is mutual and you consider safer sex practices. You probably don’t want to create a baby from a fling. If you really like the person, though, and want to know them better, you may consider doing him/her breakfast.

The backup factor: Do your friends know where you are? Do you know where you are? If the answer is no, then make sure to let someone or more than one person know where you are going. The address, etc. Have an agreement with one of your friends about where you are. You can ask for ID also so you can let them know the name and address of the person you are going somewhere with.

The small world factor: It is indeed a small world. Remember, you may be seeing the person on campus again, or off campus if you met them through friends. I know it’s sometimes difficult to think about the future when you are having such a great time in the present! However, keep in mind that you will run into people in some other time.

To hookup and have great sex is one of the greatest moment. But bear in mind that after sex you have a lot of aftermath to face. So avoid disastrous aftermath and take this tips in mind before you even say “Let’s hookup”.

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