Is It Just A Hook Up?

12:10 AM / Posted by datesforsex11 /

Is it just a hook up or is it something serious? Believe it or not, many women are stuck with this question. And even though being stuck in a one night stand with a guy that they really like is a nightmare for any woman. Still, many women stay in this kind of relationships because they really like the guy. So how do you know whether it’s just a  hook up  or not? Here are a few things that you can observe in the behaviors of the guy that you like, to see what he really wants from you.

The way he treats you - If he is interested in more than just sex with you, then he will make sure that both of you have an enjoyable time and he will not even try to get physical with you right away. But he is all about sex, then he just rips off all your clothes every time you see each other then sleeps after sex and run away when he wakes up.

R-E-S-P-E-C-T – A guy who is truly interested in you will not have a problem looking you in the eye instead of constantly looking at the rest of your body. He will show respect for you emotionally by truly listening to you and caring what you have to say, as well as respecting you sexually.

Going Public – One of the easiest ways to determine what a guy really wants, is to pay attention to where he wants to spend his time with you. If he always wants to be alone in a private location, chances are that he is not looking for something serious because he is hiding you. If he has no problem going out for a lunch on his break, etc. then he is probably interested in something more than sex.

More Talks – If a man is interested in getting into a relationship instead of just hooking up, he will talk to you at random intervals during the day to see how you are doing. Or just simply say Hi. If he wants a hook up only, then he talks to you less and is more of the action in bed.

Planning the Future – The willingness to talk about the future is very rare in the male gender, unless a man actually has the intention of staying with you for a while. If he can openly talk to you about incorporating you into his future, then there is a good chance that he is really interested.

Your Input is Important – When he has serious problems in his life, he will ask you for your advice because your opinion means a lot to him. If he makes all decisions without you, it is a bad sign for your future together or that there may not be one.

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