Adult Dating a Jealous Girlfriend

4:18 PM / Posted by datesforsex11 /

I’m pretty sure almost everyone has gone through an adult dating relationship with a jealous partner at one point in their lives. The usual scenario is that guys are the jealous ones in an adult dating relationship, but we’ve also seen some poor fellow get interrogated by his girl after shooting a look at some blond with a mini skirt. There are a few guidelines one must follow to effectively deal with this kind of problem, and avoid turning a flattering situation into an ugly mess.

Who Are You Looking At?

Do you remember the time when you got caught looking at the “second most attractive girl” in the room? Studies say 80 percent of guys in relationships will confess it was a few days ago, while the other 20 percent are most likely lying. An innocent glance at an attractive woman doesn’t necessarily mean unhappiness or indifference to your lady love.

The reason is pretty simple: Everyone is drawn to look at attractive things, and this is only an indication that we are still keen to notice and appreciate beauty in this world even if it happens to be a tall, brown haired, long legged woman that could easily qualify to be one of the Victoria’s Secret models.

However, when your adult dating partner sees you feasting on eye candy from across the room, a surge of questions are formed: “What are you looking at? Do you know her? Who the hell is she? Do you think she’s more gorgeous than I am?” This deluge of demanding questions can make any eloquent man stutter in his effort to think of a good response.

What our girls need to understand is even if we’re head over heels in love with them, that doesn’t mean all other women start looking like Janet Reno.

Who Is the Fairest of Them All?

Women have this constant need for affirmation. And when you are caught looking at another, this becomes more important. This is the reason why women always need to hear that they are still as gorgeous as the first time you saw them.

This doesn’t mean saying something nice to your girl; it must be said with sincerity because girls are very aware of this. But if the situation starts to become tense and she starts asking questions like, “Do you think she is attractive?” just saying “no” is not enough. You should reinforce the renunciation by saying she looks way better. “Are you kidding? You’re ten time more attractive than her.”

What Does This Mean?

In looking at the whole scenario in a certain perspective, what does it all mean? It can be surmised that these jealous women really love and care for us; they just have a weird way of showing it. So as a rule of thumb, always be attentive to your woman’s needs. We may not avoid letting our eyes wander about, but we can at least be appreciative of our girl’s beauty too.

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