How to Know if She’s the One When Adult Dating

10:02 PM / Posted by datesforsex11 /

Whenever you go adult dating, a part of you hopes and prays your next will be your last, and she’ll be “The One.” You hope the relationship will magically and effortlessly develop into something good, and at the same time madly fall in love, but is she really “The One?”

Addicted to Love

Like illegal drugs, a love high can make us do crazy stuff. You’ve probably heard of stories of friends who flew to Vegas to tie the knot with a woman he barely knew because he was under the influence of love.

When we feel lust or are on our way to falling in love, we tend to disregard a lot of negative characteristics about that person because we just feel so right. We earnestly ditch any bad vibe that can ruin our love high. We voluntarily ignore what’s right under our noses.

If you’ve managed to make poor choices without much effort due to your love high state when adult dating, you are not alone. It is common knowledge that relationships that are entered hastily and solely based on love high never last long. Once you go down from that high, you’ll have to scale that steep mountain of negative vibe that you threw out.

Whether you’re currently in love or still trying to find “The One,” what is important is to know yourself first and foremost. The most effective way to find “The One” is to know how to weed out those who are not for you.

Is She “The One?”

To have an idea of what you need in a relationship, ask yourself these crucial questions:

1. What five traits you think are totally necessary in a woman?
2. What are your long-term plans and goals for the relationship?
3. What are your deal breakers?

Know What You Want

Once you’ve answered all three questions, you will have a better sense of what you want and need in a relationship, and if that love high you’re feeling is based on real love or just lust. Guys often make mistakes upon entering a relationship because they are not aware of their wants and needs. They tend to neglect the things that are most important in being in a relationship.

Check Your List

The next time you’re out adult dating and you start thinking if she’s the one, go over your list. Make sure that woman has all the qualities you are looking for in a partner. If she’s missing an important ingredient, it is very likely the relationship will not last long. If she has everything, expect the relationship to be comfortable, with an emotionally stable woman who can give you fantastic, mind-blowing sex.

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