Making Effective Conversation for a Successful Hook Up

10:00 PM / Posted by datesforsex11 /

Effective flirting towards a successful hook up hugely depends on having solid conversational skills. The way you talk to a woman can make all the difference, whether you you’re looking for Miss Right or Miss Right Now. Fortunately, even if you do not possess the gift of gab, there are many strategies you can use to enhance your skills in making good conversation. To help you with this, we give you the essential things you need to know to successfully hook up with women using the art of conversation.

• Practice

This is the best way to improve your conversational skills. Start talking to people, and frequently calling your sister doesn’t count. Having conversations with friends and family is easy, so start being comfortable with talking to strangers if you want to step up your game.

You can start by making small talk with people you’re with on the elevator or while doing business with a bank teller. You’re not picking them up so you don’t have to worry if your conversation doesn’t go smoothly. Once you’re comfortable striking up conversations with strangers, you will be less likely to be speechless in front of a hottie.

• Know How to Ask the Right Questions

A conversation is not a monologue, so don’t take it as an opportunity to tell her everything there is to know about you. You’re goal in striking up a conversation is to get the other person to talk to you, so remember to ask interesting questions when you get the chance to talk to a girl you’re interested in.

Asking the right questions establishes a basis for a good conversation. It helps you get to know the woman you’re talking to, and it also gives her the chance to open up and talk about herself, which a lot of women love to do.

• Get Her Opinion

One of the goals of asking the right questions is to get her opinion. Asking about her favorite film or restaurant is fine, but you’re not trying to write a facts book about her. What you want to do is get to know her, therefore, ask questions that will elicit thoughtful and emotional responses about her insights on things, and not just what she likes.

• Give Her a Unique Compliment

Gorgeous women are hit on regularly, especially if they are all made up and at a club or a bar. Stand out from the rest by giving her a unique compliment; one that she hasn’t heard before. This way you’ll get a lot more bang and you will definitely leave good impression. The goal is to make her smile, so be creative. All it takes is a keen observation, so try to pick out the things she wants you to see and say something good about it.

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